Northen Virginia Meetings

The Washington Area Intergroup Association had for many years been listing meetings in Virginia as a courtesy – WAIA does not represent groups in northern Virginia as there is an intergroup already serving there:

Over the past year it became harder and harder for groups to update multiple sites as zoom meeting links changed more frequently than physical locations. Because of this the Meeting Guide App was often displaying the wrong information – creating confusion for those seeking a meeting.

In November 2020 the Northern Virginia Intergroup requested that WAIA cease listing northern Virginia meetings in our database as a solution and we complied. It is hoped that the meeting guide software advances far enough and is user friendly enough to share meeting information more consistently from “official” sources and WAIA can again list meetings if requested by groups.

The Area 71 website also lists meetings in Northern Virginia:

Please let the Northern VA Intergroup and Area 71 know of your comments on this matter.