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The responsibilities of the Washington Area Intergroup Association (WAIA) Outreach Committee are to:

  1. Raise awareness about WAIA among AA groups in the Washington, DC metro area;
  2. Assist the WAIA office by confirming meetings; and
  3. Welcoming new WAIA Board members to the monthly Board meeting.

If you would like to be of service in our efforts, please email  You can also attend our regular committee meetings.  See the past committee meeting notes to learn what we are currently working on.

New to the WAIA Board? This information is for you!

New Rep Frequently Asked Questions:

What is W.A.I.A.? The Washington Area Intergroup Association is a service board of representatives from the groups in the Washington Area, including Montgomery and Prince George’s Counties, MD, as well as Washington, DC. Its purpose is service work — to help the groups carry the message on an area-wide basis. Just a few examples are: answering the A.A. telephones, publishing the Where & When, taking meetings to hospitals and institutions, and sponsoring various area events.

What is a Rep? A Rep. or Group Representative is elected by an individual A.A. group to represent it as a voting member of the WAIA board of directors and to report back to it on intergroup affairs and activities. The normal term of office for a Group Rep. is two years.

What does a Rep. do? A Rep. is expected to attend monthly meetings of the WAIA board of directors, discuss and vote on issues that come before it, and keep the home group aware of intergroup activities and service opportunities. Many Group Reps also participate in committee and other service work.

How Can I Help? Do you enjoy talking to groups? Do you draw? Write? Speak? Do you know your way around computer software? Do you have a knack for planning parties? Do you like arranging food, or balancing a spreadsheet? Do you like to talk on the phone? Meet new people? Visit with patients or professionals?

Does it Take Much Time? Can you spare an evening a month? Or several? Whatever your interests, there’s probably a place for you in WAIA.

How is WAIA Organized? There are officers and an executive committee elected for one year terms, but most major issues are voted by the full intergroup. Some of the Intergroup’s service work is done by its various committees, and some is done at its Central Office.

What is Central Office? This is the place where volunteers answer the A.A. phones 12 hours a day (night calls are re-routed to the homes of Nightwatch volunteers). This is also where A.A. literature is sold, and the Where and When and the area newsletter are published. The office also serves as a clearinghouse for information on area activities.

For more information about each of WAIA’s Committees, visit