Shared Group Experience

WAIA has begun this page to share short notes on group’s experiences and practices during the COVID 19 pandemic. We cannot post every submission, and emphasize keeping it short – but please send your experience closing, keeping open, or moving your meeting to phone/online to

District 2 and WAIA came together to provide suggested resources for how to set up online meetings.

– cleaning service positions were created to come to the group 20 minutes before with disinfecting products purchased by the group to disinfect the room – same for after the meeting

– A group is having a service position to pass the basket, so one person’s hands stay on the basket and it’s not passed to everyone.  Also discussed were Venmo or leaving the basket on the table, but these were dismissed for now.  

– A group voted to stop passing chips 

Links to other AA/Intergroup resources around the country:

A San Francisco group has set up a “One Corona too many” online group including the “..” which has been added to the suggested resources page.

The NYC Intergroup has put together an online meeting setup guide and here is their list of online meetings.