Zoom Meeting Script Format

Credit: Dupont Circle Club, DC, 9:30 am Meeting

Division of Labor

Meeting Chair

The Meeting Chair is the “host” of the Zoom meeting. The host has access to all of the controls, including granting co-hosts access to in-meeting controls and managing participants. The chair calls on and mutes and unmutes participants.

Zoom Co-Hosts

There are two Zoom Co-Hosts for each meeting. The co-hosts monitor the Zoom meeting room for Zoombombers and inappropriate or offensive content and are available to provide technical support to meeting participants through private chat.


The Secretary is responsible for 7th tradition contributions, announcements, and acknowledging lengths of sobriety.

Meeting Procedures by Role


Please arrive at least 10 minutes early

1. For security reasons, you MUST sign in to and use The Meeting’s Zoom account to host the meeting. (Do NOT join using the web link or your personal account.)



2. Please do not change any of the Zoom settings. They are set to protect our safety and anonymity on-line.

3. Start the Zoom meeting – make sure it’s the right one 

Before The Meeting

4. Give the designated co-hosts access to in-meeting controls using the “make co-host” function

5. Mute all and uncheck box

6. Request readers (You can cut and paste the links below to share them via chat; readers can cut and paste the link into their web browser if the link doesn’t work.)


Reader #1 – AA Preamble


Reader #2 – How it works



Please arrive 5-10 minutes early so that the meeting chair can give you access to meeting controls.

  1. Once you have been made co-host, remember to add “co-host” and/or “technical support” to your screen name so that meeting participants can identify you.
  2. During the meeting, monitor the videos and chat room and REMOVE anyone who engages in or posts any inappropriate, offensive, and/or disruptive content or behavior.
  3. Do not rename anyone unless specifically asked. This is only a suggestion to participants.
  4. It is the host’s responsibility to mute/unmute participants. DO NOT MUTE/UNMUTE participants as this will be at cross-purposes with the host and interfere with the smooth running of the meeting.
  5. After the meeting, you must end the meeting and SIGN OUT of The 9:30 Club Zoom account, otherwise the next meeting chair/Zoom host can’t sign in to start the following day’s meeting.

We suggest you uncheck the “keep me logged in” button on your computer to avoid inadvertently logging into Meeting’s Zoom account.

Procedures For Handling Zoombombers

In the unlikely event that we are Zoom bombed, do not end or leave the meeting.


Do not end the meeting; instruct participants to stay in the meeting, and the Zoombombers will be removed by the co-hosts.

Co-host 1

  • Use meeting controls to
    • Stop meeting video
    • Disable chat
    • Remove offending participants

Co-host 2

  • Use meeting controls to
    • Lock meeting
    • Disable renaming
    • Post something in the chat room so that any inappropriate posts get scrolled up and are less visible to participants

AFTER Zoombombers have been removed, chair and co-hosts can decide whether to unlock the meeting.

Before The Meeting Starts

The meeting chair/Zoom host must make you a “co-host” in order to have access to the in-meeting controls.


Literature Meetings

For literature meetings, cut and paste the relevant link into the chat room for access to the literature on-line.

Big Book Online


Living Sober Online


Twelve and Twelve Online


Seventh Tradition

Please cut and paste the following text in the chat room (you may want to do this at the beginning of the meeting and/or during the secretary’s report):

Seventh tradition contributions may be made through <account> . Contributions are used to cover the cost of holding this meeting on-line as well as contributions to WAIA and General Service. We encourage you to make your transactions private by tapping the “Privacy” button in the lower right corner of your main payment screen.

Meeting Scripts – Chair & Secretary Chair 


General Meeting Intro

Welcome to the < > meeting. My name is ________________and I’m an alcoholic.

Before we start, I would like to remind everyone that your screen name is visible to all participants. In the interest of anonymity, the spiritual foundation of all our Traditions, we suggest your screen name include your first name and last initial only. You can change your screen name by clicking the three dots at the upper right-hand corner of your picture.

_____ has kindly offered to read the AA Preamble.

_____ has kindly offered to read How it works.

Please be advised that anyone who says, does, or types into the chat anything obscene, offensive, or inflammatory will be immediately removed from the room and not allowed back in. If you receive a private chat that makes you feel harassed or unsafe, please send a message to the co-host, and we will remove that person. If we have multiple disruptions, we will lock the room to prevent any one else from entering.

Throughout this meeting, all participants will be muted by the chair. If you would like to share, please raise your hand by clicking on the three dots at the upper right-hand corner of your screen, and I will un-mute you.

If you need technical assistance during this meeting, please send a private message to the co-host, and we will try to assist you.

Please be mindful of your use of the chat feature and avoid posts regarding outside issues or crosstalk.

This is an open/closed meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous. We are glad you are all here – especially newcomers.

So we can welcome you, is there anyone who is new to AA, new to this group, counting days up to 30, or coming back to the program who would like to introduce themselves by first name only so we may welcome you?

Big Book Meeting Addition

Today’s meeting is a Big Book meeting. We will pick up where we left off last week, on pp. XXX, and read for about 10 minutes; then we will open for shares.

Link to free Big Book on-line:


Lead/Discussion Addition

For today’s meeting, I have asked ______ to share their experience, strength, and hope as well as a meeting topic after which we will open for shares. The Secretary’s report will be at the end of the meeting. With that, I will turn it over to _____.

Living Sober Meeting Addition

Today’s meeting is on Living Sober . We will pick up where we left off last week, on chapter XX, on page XX; then we will open for raised hand shares. The Secretary’s report will be at the end of the meeting.

Link to free Living Sober on-line:


Steps & Traditions Addition

** 1 st Friday of the month: Traditions

All other Fridays: steps

Today’s meeting is a [step/traditions] meeting. We will read [step/ tradition] from the twelve and twelve, after which the meeting will be open for shares by a showing of hands. The Secretary’s report will be at the end of the meeting.

This week we are on [step/tradition] XX on page XX.

Link to free Twelve and Twelve on-line:


Beginner’s Meeting Addition

Today’s meeting is a beginner’s meeting. I have asked ______ to give us a 10-minute lead; then we will open for raised hand shares. The Secretary’s report will be at the end of the meeting. 

With that, I will turn it over to _ .

Open for Shares

At this time, the meeting is open for shares. To raise your hand, click on the three dots at the top right corner of your picture, OR click on the Participants icon at the bottom of your screen and click the hand icon. I’ll recognize you and ask you to un-mute yourself.

It is the conscience of this group that we limit our shares to 2-3 minutes. In keeping with our singleness of purpose and our Third Tradition, which states that “The only requirement for A.A. membership is a desire to stop drinking,” we ask that all who participate confine their discussion to their problems with alcohol.

Can we have the Secretary’s report please. 


Our traditions state that every A.A. group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions. You can contribute by sending a payment through <account>. I will post this information in the chat room as well. We encourage you to make sure your settings for this transaction are set to private.

Are there any announcements for the good of A.A.?

We celebrate all periods of continuous sobriety with virtual hugs and applause.

  • Is anyone counting days up to 30?
  • Sixty?
  • Ninety?
  • Four to eleven months?
  • One year?
  • Any multiples of years?
  • And for the most important person in the room, does anyone have 24 hours, any part of 24 hours, or just a desire for a new way of life?

Everyone is welcome to stay on-line after the meeting ends for fellows and “coffee hour.”

Meeting End – Chair

Remember that our anonymity, like our sobriety, is a prized possession. What you see here, and what you hear here should stay here.

Thank you all for attending. We close with the Serenity Prayer.

Don’t forget to end the meeting and sign-out of the Meeting’s Zoom